Every device you add to your network creates various tasks for administrators in every process from its installation to its deactivation. Each step requires completing many complex configurations and making the right decisions to be able to integrate with the entire network. Considering the business density and the importance of business continuity, it is very critical that all transactions are fast and smooth. Therefore, you need a manager who is reliable, fast and will minimize human error. We all know that if you have an organization that you need to protect and watch over, ANMS is the best manager you can find.

ANMS undertakes the tasks required for the smooth running of each phase in the installation, operation and deactivation cycle of the Angora Networks product family. Thus, it ensures that critical processes related to your network are completed in the fastest and most accurate way. By using a single common interface, you can perform transactions and follow-up on all your devices. With the visual status of the devices, license information, critical system values and easy access options, it offers you simple and only the details you need. ANMS is ready to provide you with the services you expect from a manager.


Reporting Interface

Cockpit screens containing only the required data according to the needs of the experts from the industry.

Network Map

Network Maps containing all the devices in your network

How can we help you?

Contact us now, let's solve problems related to your corporate network together!

